
for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.

– Matthew 25:35-36

At the heart of our faith here at Arlington Presbyterian is God’s power that continues to speak and transform us. Transformational is one of our core values which means we are curious and eager for transformation and are ready to accept the risks that come with acting decisively.

We listen and build relationships with neighbors to know how to be in service to one another. We are engaged in acts of love and compassion on an on-going basis, including with our partners below.

                                                                                VOICE is a non-partisan coalition of almost 50 faith and civic communities in Northern Virginia, including Arlington County. VOICE organizes people across the spectrum to take action on key issues in our community, specifically affordable housing, access to health care and immigrant rights.

The mission of Arlington Food Assistance Center is to provide neighbors with dignified access to free, supplemental groceries. AFAC has on-site distribution at Gilliam Place every Monday from 4-5:30pm. APC and those with Our Stomping Ground volunteer to welcome and distribute groceries at the Gilliam Place site.


The mission of Our Stomping Ground (OSG) is to build inclusive communities and strengthen neighborhoods through diverse programming, sustainable, affordable housing and social spaces for people of all abilities. APC collaborates with OSG at Gilliam Place to create those social and creative space for people of all abilities.

 Gilliam Place apartments represent the multi-year process and partnership with True Ground Housing to provide 173 units of affordable housing to South Arlington. As continued partners with True Ground, we support Gilliam Place in relational and neighborly ways

Through local partners in central Cameroon, APC began a water ministry with the hopes of creating ten clean water wells in a five-year period. Many schools, hospitals, and local villages in central Cameroon lack access to clean water. APC heard of this need, built the needed local relationships, and raises money to create access to water.